The Halton District School Board continuously strives to maintain and improve our school facilities to provide a learning environment that supports the well-being of students and staff and accommodates the use of schools by the greater community.
This page contains five tabs. These tabs provide information on projects currently planned or being undertaken at our schools. Work in existing schools is generally completed in 12 months, however larger, more complex projects can take upwards of 24 months. Planning, approvals and the construction of new schools can take two to four years. The actual construction time may be 18 months for elementary schools and 24 months for secondary schools.
Please note that the content on this page is updated in the fall and spring. For more information, please contact the Facility Services Department.
Follow the #HDSBbuilds hashtag on social media to see photos of how we're improving our schools.
School Construction Projects
- Elementary Schools
- Secondary Schools
- New Schools & Additions
New Schools & Additions highlights new school construction or major additions and renovations currently underway. For new school construction, major additions and renovations, you’ll see a graphic that illustrates the steps required to complete these projects. A circle will indicate where we are as we transition through these steps. As these types of projects are impacted by market conditions and Ministry of Education and municipal approvals, you may see that we move back and forth through these stages as required. Projects are funded from a variety of sources including the Ministry of Education School Renewal Grant, Capital Priorities Funding Grant and HDSB allocations through Close the Gap and School Generated Funds.
Milton 12 P.S. - Elementary School
Milton 13 P.S. - Elementary School
Oakville # 3 P.S. - Elementary School
Oakville N.E. #1 - High School
CAIF (Climate Action Incentive Fund) highlights the schools that receive funding from the Federal government to support energy efficient improvements and retrofits to schools in Ontario to reduce energy consumption, utility costs and carbon pollution in Ontario.
CAIF Projects
New roofs for the following schools have been funded by Climate Action Incentive Fund. CAIF is a time-limited federal-provincial cost matching program to help school boards make energy efficiency improvements and retrofits that reduce energy use, costs, and carbon pollution.
Georgetown District H.S.
Pilgrim Wood P.S.
M.M. Robinson H.S.