Q) What is digital citizenship?
A) Students learn digital citizenship to understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology, and through this learning are able to practice safe, legal and ethical behavior. Digital citizenship teaches students to:
- advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology;
exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity;
demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning;
exhibit leadership for proper technology use.
Users are expected to use technology responsibly as outlined in the
Responsible Use Procedures for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Administrative Procedure.
Q) Why internet filtering?
A) With the increased use of technology on Board networks it is important students have access to the tools they require for learning.
HDSB has implemented Internet filtering for content that is:
Students in HDSB are expected to use technology responsibly and are taught Digital Citizenship and the importance of practicing ethical and legal digital behaviour both within and outside of the classroom.
Q) Who is impacted by this filtering?
A) All devices using the HDSB network - wired or wireless. Including staff and students while they are on the HDSB network.
Q) What categories will be filtered?
A) Websites are filtered based on categories. A third party categorizes all websites found on the Internet.
The Halton District School Board will filter proxy and adult/18+ content websites (pornographic websites) for all staff and students when on the Board network.
Application websites are categorized and may not be considered adult/18+ content websites but may contain adult content. The terms and conditions of the application website would identify how to report inappropriate content.
The categories HDSB filters are:
Q) What will students see when accessing a filtered site?
A) An Internet page will be displayed identifying "This website is blocked due to HDSB filtering rules".
There is a link from this page to request a review to unblock site to support educational use.
Q) What constitutes pornography?
A) The definition of pornography as defined by the filtering vendor includes:
Mature content websites (18+ years and over) which present or display sexual acts with or without the intent to sexually arouse and excite
Depict the human body in full or partial nudity
Feature or depict sexuality, sex clubs, strip clubs, excluding sex education
Q) What are proxy sites?
A) Proxy sites are separate websites that provide information or tools on how to bypass an Internet filter.
Q) What if there is a request to filter additional categories?
A) Any requests or concerns will be reviewed and may require Board approval before implementation.
Q) What about personal devices not using the Halton District School Board network?
A) Responsibilities regarding digital citizenship are integrated into the curriculum to help guide student usage. However, those devices would not be filtered by the Halton District School Board. Parents may wish to put website filtering tools onto those devices.
Q) Will this impact student learning?
A) This will not impact student learning.
Categories implemented by HDSB specifically excludes sexual education websites.
Q) Would filtering follow the student home?
A) Filtering is provided while the device is on the Board’s Internet network for Board and personal devices.
HDSB filtering is not available and will not impact devices if in use at home or where a student is using a non-HDSB network, ie: Cellular Data.
Q) Will this filter filter sites like Vimeo, Reddit, TikTok, YouTube?
A) The filter does not prevent adult content from websites not categorized as adult/18+ from being accessed.
These types of community/social media sites would not be filtered since they are not categorized as pornography (18+ content). YouTube’s “community guidelines” state no pornographic content is permitted on their site.
The terms and conditions of the application website would identify how to report inappropriate content.
Q) How will this impact search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo)?
A) SafeSearch is enabled on HDSB devices and when users login to the Chrome browser using their HDSB account - on or off the Board network.
SafeSearch helps filter out explicit content in search results.
Q) Will this filter stop inappropriate internet use?
A) No. The purpose of the filter is to block access to pornography and proxy websites. Activities such as cyber-bullying cannot be blocked using an Internet filter. Responsible digital citizenship practices are always encouraged.
Users are expected to use technology responsibly as outlined in the
Responsible Use Procedures for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Administrative Procedure.
Q) How effective is filtering?
A) The filter provides excellent protection in preventing access to adult content websites, as the filter provider continually reviews and categorizes websites to ensure accuracy.
The filter does not prevent adult content from websites not categorized as adult/18+ from being accessed.
Q) Why are students not able to use incognito mode when logged into a Chrome browser with their @hdsb.ca account?
A) HDSB has made the decision to remove access for students to launch an Incognito Window when logged into the Chrome browser using their HDSB.ca account. This will be effective on any device (on or off the Board network) if using their HDSB account.
Incognito windows may allow users to bypass some HDSB network, device and account policies.
Q) What is the process if there is a dispute of a website inclusion or exclusion from filtering?
A) Users will be able to request a review by emailing
If you still have questions, please email