Teachers at Milton District High School have been recognized with a national award for their innovative delivery of environmental sustainability curriculum in the school’s
‘I-Think about Science’ program. Presented by the EdCan Network, the
2019 Ken Spencer Award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning showcases the work of teachers who create relevant learning experiences for students while solving complex societal issues.
At Milton District HS, teachers applied an Integrative Thinking method to guide classroom conversations and projects. In this innovative problem solving-approach, students help tackle complex environmental sustainability issues such as access to clean water, invasive species, maintaining biodiversity, and beautifying school space. Students share their learning through “open space” exhibitions to expose more youth to this problem-solving approach. This demo classroom for 21st century learning encourages collaboration and creative thinking.
The creation of ‘I-Think about Science’ stems from a Board-wide initiative at the Halton District School Board to encourage innovative learning environments and inspire deeper learning. While this award recognizes the Grade 7-10 Science project at Milton District HS, teams from the following schools were also a part of this initiative: Boyne PS, Chris Hadfield PS, E.J. James PS, Sam Sherratt PS, Viola Desmond PS, Aldershot School, Burlington Central Elementary, Garth Webb SS, and White Oaks SS.
To develop the Milton District HS program, five teachers worked in partnership with the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management’s
I-Think initiative. Together with the Halton District School Board’s
“Shift” Innovation Coaches and Program Leaders for Science and Mathematics, this innovative learning approach was introduced to the school’s science class. The “Shift” aligns with the Board’s
Multi-Year Plan to provide innovative and creative opportunities for students.
The school will receive their award at a recognition ceremony on Wednesday, May 1.
“There is significant enthusiasm for the program among elementary and secondary teachers as they are eager to become part of the scientific exploration,” says Jacqueline Newton, Superintendent of Education. “The work will continue with additional schools in the 2019-2020 school year.”
For additional information, contact:
Jacqueline Newton, Superintendent of Education
Halton District School Board
905-335-3663 | Toll-free 1-877-618-3456