The goal of this plan is to ensure clear communication and effective problem
solving working with the Halton Region Public Health and Halton District School
Board (HDSB) stakeholders in a coordinated response to issues as they arise, while
keeping the dignity of the human being at the centre of our actions and support.
This response plan would address a pandemic or other infectious disease event,
and would be activated in collaboration and consultation with Public Health.
This plan is designed to decrease exposure to illnesses through proactive measures
and lays out a recommended response to most emergencies with the common
goals of the:
- Protection of students and staff
- Coordination of essential school business operations based on risk
management principles
- Preparation for the closure of school operations (in the event this is required)
and eventual school re-opening; and
- Potential use of school facilities by community partners.
This plan will be updated and/or revised on an annual basis or as new information
becomes available and planning evolves to address the unique needs that may
arise (Appendix C).
Basic foundations of infection control in school settings should always be
approached in an equitable and compassionate way which promotes the safety and
well-being of all.
Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (PDF)