The following is a breakdown of operating expenses, by category:
Instruction - included in this category are: classroom teachers, occasional/supply teachers, educational assistants, early childhood educators, professionals, paraprofessionals and technicians, librarians, guidance staff, coordinators and consultants, principals and vice principals, department heads, school office staff, continuing education, summer school and international languages staff and programs, staff training, classroom technology, learning materials, classroom supplies and equipment.
School Operations & Maintenance - includes expenditures for:
- Operations and maintenance of schools;
- School renovation projects;
- Temporary student accommodations
- Interest and financing of prior capital projects; and
- Annual amortization of Tangible Capital Assets.
Other - includes other non-operating expenditures, such as one-time Ministry funding for specific projects and School Generated Funds expenses.
Transportation - includes expenditures for student transportation to and from Halton District School Board schools as well as provincial schools.
Administration - includes expenditures for:
- Trustees;
- Director and supervisory officers;
- Board administration functions including finance, purchasing, planning, human resources, payroll, information technology, communications, research and printing; and
- Utilities, minor repairs, caretaking and maintenance of administrative buildings.