Congratulations on making it to this point in your education and career-life planning journey! This is a multi-year process that takes time, information and support to make it the rewarding and exciting experience that you deserve! In this resource, HDSB Guidance Counsellors have gathered many sources of information to help guide you, your family and your trusted adults throughout your post-secondary planning process.
To support your success in both school and life, Ontario schools provide opportunities and support for all students to plan their individual pathway to a successful post-secondary destination. To support students in creating their Individual Pathways Plan (IPP), the Ministry of Education has outlined a vision and
four key questions to consider in Creating Pathways to Success.
Education and Career/Life Planning Framework: A Four-Step Inquiry Process
How do students know how to answer these questions for themselves? A range of experiences in secondary school provide opportunities for self-discovery, including but not limited to:
- Taking a range of courses
- Exploring extracurricular and leadership opportunities
- Connecting with the community through volunteer work
- Taking co-operative education in Grade 11 and/or 12
- Participating in a Specialist High Skills Major, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship and/or Dual Credit Program
As students decide their post-secondary pathway it is important to remember that plans are not fixed, but instead, they are fluid and should shift with the growth in self-knowledge, interests and goals of the student. All educators in HDSB secondary schools share the important role of supporting students with their pathway planning decisions.
Supporting Resources for Education and Career-Life Planning
myBlueprint is the comprehensive Education and Career Planning online tool for all HDSB students from Grades 7-12. Students login into their myBlueprint account using their HDSB credentials (student instructions) and families can also create an account (family instructions). MyBlueprint has many tools for students and families for
forwards and backwards planning:
Who Am I? Surveys - to learn about your interests and strengths
High School Planner - to plan secondary courses, review graduation requirements and explore eligibility for post-secondary programs
Post-Secondary Planner - to learn about post-secondary opportunities in Apprenticeship, College, University and Workplace
Occupations - to explore occupations and related occupations
HDSB Guidance Counsellors can support students in accessing additional pathway planning resources including
Spark Path and
Edge Factor as well as those found on under ‘
Transition to Post-Secondary’.
Explore - HDSB Guide to Post-Secondary