| Staff
| System
Every student will be intellectually engaged in their learning and socially engaged in their school.
To support literacy development in Kindergarten students, a variety of strategies were put in place to document learning and monitor progress
During the 2017/18 school year, the proportion of Senior (Year 2) Kindergarten students reaching Level 5 did not increase. However, 65% of Senior Kindergarten students reached Level 3 or higher. This indicates that reading development is improving among Kindergarten students. In the previous year, the Emergent Literacy Project was launched in a number of schools to focus on building educator knowledge and understanding how to support emergent readers and writers with effective assessment and instructional strategies.
Primary EQAO data from the 2017/18 year indicates the proportion of students achieving the provincial standard on the Grade 3 EQAO Reading assessment increased from 79% to 83%. These results are the highest ever and indicate that we are on-track to meet our goal of having 84% of students achieve the provincial standard by 2019-2020.
In primary classrooms, staff continue to focus on sustaining effective Comprehensive Literacy Programs which include assessment for learning, differentiated responses and methods of monitoring student achievement. We continue to apply the Levelled Literacy Intervention Program to support students.
The proportion of students achieving the provincial standard on the Grade 6 EQAO Mathematics assessment remained unchanged in 2017/18. The
HDSB Math Plan was launched two years ago and includes extensive supports for student and staff learning. We will continue to develop the Math Plan which includes developing learner profiles, effective instructional and assessment strategies, and resources to support Math learning.
Supporting Your Child in Math - Final Video in 4 Part Series
The video provides support, resources, practical ideas and activities for parents and guardians to help them assist their children with math teaching outside of the classroom.
Paul A. Fisher PS Engages Students with Inspirational Math Week
Paul A. Fisher Public School hit on the right numbers recently following their Week of Inspirational Math focusing on all things mathematics.
We are continuing to make progress toward our goal of a 5% increase in the final grades for students in Applied courses meeting the provincial standard. The HDSB Applied Strategy is based on the understanding that engagement and achievement are inextricably intertwined. With a focus on closing the gap in achievement, engagement and well-being for students in Applied courses, the proportion of students meeting the provincial standard increased by nearly 1%.
Although the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) data was not available for the 2017/18 school year, staff learning opportunities supported this goal. An Applied Strategy institute was held in the summer for secondary teachers, and subject specific professional development opportunities were scheduled during the school year, in addition to
LEAP, Essential Professional Learning, and Experiential Learning initiatives.
Learning sessions for elementary teaching staff continued to provide effective strategies for student intellectual engagement including student inquiry, growth mindset, outdoor and experiential education.
LEAP Students Bring Smiles to Young Children Through Community Projects
Three-dozen students from an elementary-to-high school transition program organized projects that helped bring joy and smiles to young children’s faces.
Staff Undertake Learning During Summer Months to Prepare for a New School Year
While summer break is in full swing, the learning continues for many staff members in the Halton District School Board.
What the Data Says...
of students report they know how they learn best
of students respondents feel students treat each other with respect at their school
Source: Have Your Say survey results 2017/18
All staff will contribute to collaborative and inclusive learning environments to enhance innovative practices and build a strong learning organization.
Using the baseline data from the 2016/17 Have Your Say community engagement tool and by providing training to system leaders, results show the Board is halfway to meeting the 10% increase in targets for proficiency in the area of Performance Management, Progressive Discipline and Equitable Recruitment Practices. The Board will continue to offer this training and enhance it, subject to the feedback received from the attendees.
To enhance service to the system, three additional cross-departmental teams were created including:
- Enrolment Projections and Staffing Timeline Committee for both elementary and secondary
- Multi-Department Vendor/Contractor Evaluation Process to revise the elementary school design guidelines
- Administrator Onboarding Program was developed and implemented to support new and shortlisted administrators
The SHIFT - Event Recap (November 2017)
The SHIFT project was implemented in the 2016-2017 school year as a collaborative way for teachers to look at learning conditions to foster innovation, in schools and for students.
| Staff
We will engage stakeholders using strategies to build relationships and enhance confidence in our public education system.
Now in its second year, the Board conducted the
Have Your Say Community Engagement survey in February 2018. This year, there was a significant increase in the response rate from students, parents, and staff. The survey was translated into five languages to allow 77 additional families whose first language is not English to participate.
Have Your Say surveys for students, parents, staff and community members were tabulated and shared with the Board and stakeholders in June 2018 and are available
What the Data Says...
of parents say they value email as a means to communicate/engage. Most respondents believe the frequency of communications with their child’s school is appropriate.
of parents feel that the school is delivering a quality education to students.
Source: Have Your Say survey results 2017/18
Communications by the Numbers
Communication |
2017/18 |
News releases |
75 |
Spotlight on Schools |
55 |
Videos |
54 |
Twitter |
Facebook |
Graphic design projects |
110 school-related
98 Board-related |
Website analytics |
2,799,982 page views |
Priority Communications Initiatives in 2017/18
- Continue to align communications with 2016-2020 Multi-Year Plan
- Roll-out of HDSB Mobile App
- Continued use of video and social media
- Increased Prescribed Content to schools (e.g. #TECHandU, equity messaging, social media messaging/graphics, school newsletter/website content)
- Marketing and branding the HDSB
During the past year The Letter M Marketing, an external marketing and public relations agency, provided the HDSB with an in-depth analysis of communication practise and identified areas for improvement. This consultation supports our Multi-Year Plan goal of engaging stakeholders using strategies to build relationships and enhance confidence in our public education system. This review and research created a Branding and Communications Strategy for the HDSB which identified specific goals, strategies and tactics to enable continued success. Strategies identified include:
- Highlighting student, staff and school achievement and success both internally and externally
- Fostering community partnerships
- Creating opportunities to empower youth and student voice
The Communications Department launched a revitalized brand for the Halton District School Board in June 2018. This included new templates for letterhead, presentation slides, posters, ads, social media graphics, and more. HDSB Brand Guidelines were created to provide guidelines to ensure consistent use of the Board’s brand as a communications tool in print and electronic documents and publications. These guidelines will assist staff and schools by providing clear standards for the consistent use of the logos, language, and style in publications and documents.
The HDSB Mobile App was launched to four schools as a pilot project in November 2017, then to all HDSB schools during Education Week in May 2018. The HDSB Mobile App was developed to:
- Increase our reach and streamline access
- Allow for customization by users
- Provide one-touch access to information and resources
The app consolidates important information from the Board, individual schools and social media into one place and aligns with the Board’s Multi-Year Plan 2016-2020 to engage stakeholders using strategies that build relationships and enhance confidence in our public education system:
- Improve parent/guardian engagement
- Optimize resources and technology through innovative and creative opportunities and partnerships
- Enhance communication and optimize social media
- Provide consistency in communications (e.g. school websites, Board website)
The app is an innovative and creative way to reach our stakeholders and provide accessible information and resources. During the 2017/18 school year the HDSB Mobile App was downloaded more than 16,000 times!