About the Boundary Review
The area commonly known as “Samuel Curtis Estates” is located at the SE corner of Burloak Drive and Lakeshore Road and was the first residential development in this area. Historically, this area has been directed to Burlington schools because of the proximity to existing Burlington schools and relative isolation from the existing residential areas in ERA 111. With the redevelopment of the Petro Canada lands (now known as the “Lakeshore Woods” community), there has been interest in redirecting public school students from Burlington to Oakville schools in ERA 112. Currently English program elementary students in the Lakeshore Woods community attend Gladys Speers PS for JK to Grade 6 and Eastview PS for Grade 7 and 8; while FI elementary students attend Pine Grove for Grade 2 to 8. English and FI secondary students in the Lakeshore Woods community attend T.A. Blakelock HS for Grade 9 to 12.
A letter was sent to families on October 11, 2019 as notification of the review process proceeding.
Study Area Map
Area Map (local schools)
Samuel Curtis Estates Close Up Map
Board Report
The Director's Report (Report 19134) linked with recomended boundary changes (Option 2 elementary/Option 2a secondary) was presented to the Board of Trustees for information on November 20th 2019. The Board of Trustees approved the recomended boundary changes December 4, 2019.
Boundary Review Initiation Report
October 2, 2019
| Board Meeting, Trustees passed motion to start the boundary review process.
October 28, 2019 7:00 pm Q.E. Park Community Centre - Rehearsal Hall
| Public Information Meeting
December 4, 2019
| Boundary review process finishes.
Boundary Review Steering Committee (BRSC)
Once the Board has approved the initiation of a school boundary review, the Superintendent of the affected Family of Schools will establish the Boundary Review Steering Committee and lead the school boundary review process. This committee will consist of:
- Family of Schools Superintendent(s) of all affected areas
- Superintendent from a non-affected area
- Senior Manager of Planning Services
- Trustee(s) for all of the affected areas, including Trustee who will co-chair the Boundary Review Committee
As necessary, the committee may also include the following supplementary members:
- Superintendent of Program
- Superintendent of Business Services
- Superintendent of Student Services
The affected school Superintendent will chair the committee. The Steering Committee will review school enrolments, school capacities and school programs. It should be noted that the Boundary Review Steering Committee is not a decision making body and does not make the final decision regarding any potential change to boundaries as a result of a School Boundary Review Process.
Additional Information
Delegation to the Board
School Boundary Review Administrative Procedure
Samuel Curtis Estates Boundary Review Notification
Optional Attendance
If you have any questions about this Boundary Review, please contact us by email at samuelcurtisreview@hdsb.ca